Hear Your Text Sing: Turn Fedora Linux into a Vocal Powerhouse

Imagine your Fedora whispering sweet nothings (or reading important documents) aloud. No need for fancy hardware! With a few simple steps, you can unlock the power of speech synthesis and transform your text into audible magic. Let’s explore your options and turn your silent system into a vocal powerhouse with espeak package!

Check Your Vocal Arsenal

Before diving in, let’s see what’s already available on your Fedora system. Open a terminal and enter espeak -v. This lists available voices (espeak being a popular text-to-speech synthesizer). If the list is empty, worry not! We’ll get you talking in no time.

espeak -v

Speak Up! Installation espeak time

Here are two popular options for enabling speech synthesis on Fedora:

  • eSpeak: For basic needs, sudo dnf install espeak gets you started. Customize voices and settings with man espeak.
  • Speech Dispatcher with Festival/eSpeak: For more control and high-quality voices, install sudo dnf install speech-dispatcher espeak festival. Configure Speech Dispatcher using spd-conf -u.

Additional Tools

  • Festival: Offers advanced speech synthesis features like text-to-emotion. Install with sudo dnf install festival.
  • Glate: A graphical application for easy text-to-speech and translation. Install from Snap Store with sudo snap install glate.

Enabling SpeechSynthesisUtterance in Chrome on Linux is slightly different than in Firefox due to browser-specific functionalities. Here’s what you can do:

Check Speech Dispatcher:

  • First, verify if your system has Speech Dispatcher available. Open a terminal and type espeak -v. If this lists voices, you might have Speech Dispatcher already.

2. Install speech-dispatcher (if needed):

  • If espeak -v displays no voices, install Speech Dispatcher with sudo dnf install speech-dispatcher.

3. Configure Chrome flags:

  • Chrome requires launching with specific flags to enable Speech Dispatcher. Right-click the Chrome icon and select “Properties”.
  • In the “Properties” window, find the “Command” field. Add the following flags to the end of the existing command, separated by spaces: --enable-speech-dispatcher --enable-features=TextToSpeech
  • Click “Apply” and “OK” to save the changes.

4. Launch Chrome with flags:

  • Close any open Chrome windows and use the shortcut you modified in step 3 to launch Chrome. This will activate the necessary flags.

5. Ensure Chrome has permissions:

  • Go to Chrome settings (chrome://settings/) and navigate to “Privacy and security”.
  • Click “Site Settings” and then “Sound”.
  • Make sure “Always ask” is selected for “Ask before playing audio”. This allows Chrome to request permission for text-to-speech on individual websites.

6. Use Text-to-Speech on websites:

  • Now, navigate to a website that offers built-in text-to-speech functionality or supports Text-to-Speech extensions.
  • When prompted by Chrome, grant permission for the website to use audio.
  • Activate the text-to-speech feature on the website or extension, and Chrome should utilize Speech Dispatcher and eSpeak for vocalization.





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