Some channels and public chats change owners or hacked. But history messages are very cool. This information is important and useful for.
So I got information about changes in one public Telegram chat and decide make backup with NodeJS.
step 1:
Build the binary (
step 2:
Register app in the Telegram Apps. Copy api_id and api_hash
step 3:
Create new NodeJS project
Install tdl and tdl-tdlib-ffi packages – more
step 4:
Create index.js with packages
const path = require('path');
const {Client} = require('tdl');
const {TDLib} = require('tdl-tdlib-ffi');
Init client
const client = new Client(new TDLib(path.resolve(__dirname, `${config.TDLIB.PATH}tdlib/lib/libtdjson`)), {
apiId: config.MAIN.API_ID, // Your api_id
apiHash: config.MAIN.API_HASH, // Your api_hash
Where config.TDLIB.PATH path with libtdjson file from step 1
config.MAIN.API_ID and config.MAIN.API_HASH from step 2
Add client connect and login code
const up = async () => {
await client.connect();
await client.login(() => ({
getPhoneNumber: retry => retry ?
Promise.reject('Invalid phone number') :
getAuthCode: retry => retry ?
Promise.reject('Invalid auth code') :
getName: () =>
Promise.resolve({firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe'}),
// Your manipulations with telegram client code here
(() => {'Telegram client up');
Where config.MAIN.PHONE_NUMBER your Telegram account number
config.MAIN.AUTH_CODE – code which send from Telegram to You to verify session
step 5:
Get chat list and display title. In the index.js before
Add this code:
const chats = await client.invoke({
_: 'getChats',
offset_order: '9223372036854775807',
offset_chat_id: 0,
limit: 150,
for(const chatId of chats.chat_ids) {
const chatInfo = await client.invoke({
_: 'getChat',
chat_id: chatId,
});`title '${chatInfo.title}' chat id '${chatId}'`);
This display list Your chats titles and ids
step 6:
Find chat id with messages to backup
Add next code to get messages:
const name = 'chatToBAckup';
const chatId = 'xxxxxx'; // Your chat id
let chatHistory = await client.invoke({
_: 'getChatHistory',
chat_id: id,
from_message_id: 0,
limit: 50,
let count = chatHistory.messages.length || chatHistory.total_count || 1;`messages ${chatHistory.total_count} = '${JSON.stringify(chatHistory.messages[count - 1])}' `);
let i = 0;
let from = (chatHistory.messages[count - 1] && chatHistory.messages[count - 1].id) ?
chatHistory.messages[count - 1].id : null;
while (i < 2) {
chatHistory = await client.invoke({
_: 'getChatHistory',
chat_id: id,
from_message_id: from,
limit: 50,
count = chatHistory.messages.length || chatHistory.total_count || 1;
from = (chatHistory.messages[count - 1] && chatHistory.messages[count - 1].id) ?
chatHistory.messages[count - 1].id : null;`messages ${chatHistory.total_count} = '${JSON.stringify(chatHistory.messages[count - 1])}' `);
This code make 2 request with 50 limit and get last 100 messages from chat.
Now You can process messages .Or copy to JSON(Database).
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