Tag: development
Add doenv package to manage env variables and keep secure in the ExpressJS application
In ExpressJS applications, environment variables play a crucial role in configuring sensitive information such as database credentials, API keys, and secret tokens. While storing these sensitive details directly in the source code is not recommended due to security concerns, keeping track of them separately can be cumbersome and error-prone.
Install LLaMA (Lingual Language Mapper) on Fedora
LLaMA (Lingual Language Mapper) is an open-source software used for language detection and mapping. It is a powerful tool that can be used for various purposes, including data analytics, sentiment analysis, and machine learning. If you are looking to set up LLaMA on Fedora, this article will guide you through the process. Before you begin,…
Bio rythm page updates
Refactor page bio. Make SPA with VueJS from vanilla JS Also use awasome Bulma CSS framwork. Future upgrades: Refactor chart to canvas Source code – Github
Refactor “Bulls and Cows game”
Refactor “Bulls and Cows” game with VueJS – visit . Source code – GithubOld version with PHP + JQuery (2012) – visitReact SPA – visit. Source code – Github and Bitbucket
Neural network JS libraries comparison
Nowadays machine learning and neural networks are everywhere. This year some tasks were near these problems of computer science. I decide to make comparison several JavaScript libraries with neural networks.
Forecast COVID-19 with Python script (part2)
Post with description – postPost with forecast – part 1 Next computation after two days.
Create JSON editor in PHP
Strategy to edit JSON files with PHPCreate API to get photo items with translations and separate API to get localesCreate VueX store to use API
Image optimization
Batch compress photos from http://arstudiolt.lt Before photos optimization – total 165 Mb After photos optimization – total 26 Mb All for visitor traffic saving ! And better internet! Use to this tools – https://webspeedtest.cloudinary.com/
New design biorhythm webpage
Updated new design to http://poplauki.eu/bio Use Bootstrap V3 standard scheme. Fix and modify ajax request. JavaScript controls. Fix reload languages